Oil companies most resistant in crisis

Although in the past year their profit reduced by 31% and the value of companies dropped by almost 50% and however they still managed to retain a high position.

According to the list of Internet portal Forbes, from 25 major companies, nine are from the oil business; six are from the banking sector, and three from the telecommunications sector.

However, on top of the list remains the first American brand General Electric. Although last year GE shared the second place, this year thanks to the good results from sales, profits and value of shares managed to become a leader among global the businesses.
Second on the list is the British "Shell". Next on the list is Toyota with $100 billion, and the oil company Exxon Mobil.

Although most of the companies are from USA and China, the Russian companies still hold senior positions.

Gazprom climbed to the 13th place and the German automotive industry Volkswagen ranks on the 15th place.


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